Senior al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists killed

Senior al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorists killed


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    As part of the ongoing IDF activity against terrorists responsible for the firing of projectile rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli targets, the IDF carried out an aerial attack at a structure in the northern Gaza Strip, targeting three terrorists from the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Ziyad Mahmad Abdullah Kadas, Ayad Hassin Sa'ud Najar and Hadar Fuad Ismaeel Riyan.

    Kadas, 33, a resident of the Jabalya refugee camp, was killed when an air force missile struck the home where he was hiding. Kadas was involved in numerous terrorist attacks in the Gaza Strip, including suicide and infiltration attacks.

    He served as a close assistant to Hassan Mad'hun, also a senior terrorist in the organization, who was killed in an IDF operation last month. Kadas operated alongside Mad'hun in directing terrorist attacks in the Gaza Strip, and worked in cooperation with the Popular Resistance Committees and Hamas. Following Mad'hun's death, Kadas began to establish his position as one of the senior operatives in the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and continued to operate intensively in directing attacks against Israeli targets.

    Kadas's residence served as a workshop for the manufacturing of protective vests for the different terrorist  organizations and as a planning center for many attacks, including the firing of Kassam rockets at civilian Israeli targets. Lately, Kadas had been recruiting operatives for future attacks and was in contact with operatives in the West Bank in order to coordinate further attacks against Israelis.

    Ayad Najar, 30, a senior terrorist in the al-Aqsa Martys Brigades, served as the de facto replacement of Hassan Mad'hun, a senior terrorist who was killed in an IDF operation in November 2005. Najar himself was wounded in a security forces operation in October 2005.

    Najar assisted Mad'hun in implementing attacks against Israeli targets, including suicide attacks and infiltration attacks, and worked in cooperation with the Popular Resistance Committees and Hamas.

    After Mad'hun's death, Najar became the leader of the terror infrastructure of which Mad'hun was in charge. In his new position, Najar continued to operate intensively in the implementation of attacks against Israeli targets.

    Najar, like Ziyad Kadas, had lately been recruiting operatives for attacks and was in contact with operatives in the West Bank in order to coordinate attacks against Israeli targets.

    In the past few weeks, Najar had been involved in the launching of projectile rockets from the Gaza Strip at civilian Israeli targets, and in the planting of explosive devices aimed against Israeli targets. Najar had also worked in full collaboration with Islamic Jihad, Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committees with the intent of carrying out a large-scale terror attack against Israelis.

    Hader Riyan, 35, was a central operative in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades infrastructure under the command of Hassan Mad'hun.

    Riyan assisted Mad'hun in implementing terror attacks against Israeli targets in the Gaza Strip and within Israel. He was also involved in recruiting operatives for future suicide attacks.

    Riyan and Mad'hun were responsible for carrying out terror attacks inside Israel, including an attempted suicide bombing attack in an Israeli hospital. The attack was thwarted when the suicide bomber, Wafa Biss, was stopped at the Erez crossing wearing explosive trousers on June 20, 2005. The two misused a humanitarian permit in order to enable Wafa Biss to enter Israel.

    Riyan was also involved in an unsuccessful attempt to set up an extension of the organization that was meant to operate in Sinai in June 2005, to recruit operatives and implement terror activity both in the region and within Israel.

    During the past few weeks, Riyan, who served as one of the field commanders of the organization's infrastructure, was involved in launching projectile rocket attacks and the planting of explosive devices against Israeli targets. In addition, Riyan was recently involved in planning a large terror attack, in cooperation with the Popular Resistance Committees, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.